Great app--one of the best Iridium flares apps. It deserves 5 stars...
However, there are two major problems with it--ones that got introduced with this latest version! And a third that remains from before. Also, have a suggestion.
1. The new version puts a large frame on the top and bottom of the screen creating an unneeded, unwanted letterbox effect that also shows fewer flares of the list.
The developer did it to accommodate those who want multiple sites--you slide between them. Well, that assumes users observe Iridium flares from multiple places!! Many of us do not!
Itd be so easy to include an option to turn that off--Id imagine that even those with multiple sites would enjoy more room to list the flares and a different way of switching sites! Please fix this!
2. The app *requires* you to calibrate its compass on startup. Thats a nuisance; all one wants is to see what flares are coming up-- not play a game labyrinth rotate the iPad until all the lines around the circle are filled in. That shouldnt be required until wants to invoke compass mode.
3. One glaring omission remains from prior versions--we need to be able to set alarms much earlier than 10 minutes before. Let us do 1/2 hour or 1 hour-- it can take time to assemble the family, put on the coats, finish dinner, etc.
4. One big suggestion: let us see *past* flares! Often, one is out observing or even doing casual sky gazing and sees a flare--wed like to be able to check on it!
Heres my prior review with updates.
One step forward, MAJOR step backwards!
This is one of my favorite astro apps, but it has just taken a turn for the worse.
It used to be night time friendly--yellow bars and text on a jet black background. Now, though, it is glaring with a white background! Im floored by this. Ruins ones vision! FIXED!!
On the plus side, the developer added much better information screen, with larger compass, direction heading (eg N or E), and map. (Ill have to double-check those as Im going to reinstall the older app!)
Havent found the notifications setting, something other reviewers touted. Certainly hope it doesnt wake us up!! -----> REMINDER BUTTON IS A BELL--Also, if you go to Notification Center in Settings you can include this app. However, with only 10 minute reminder, whats the point?
The older version handled wi-fi better--auto load quickly determined when wi-fi was not available--this just keeps the spinning dashes going and going!! A bug?? ----> Fixed?? Have to test it
Oh, yeah. One other thing--it didnt remember the saved dates and times of flares from the previous versions--a rude awakenng early this morning--blinding screens and no data--a drag.
Developer is responsive, so Im sure probs will be fixed soon!!
AstroPaul about Iridium Flares, v3.0.1